Friday, August 24, 2007

Journal 4

"Atticus ain't ever whipped me since I can remember. I wanta keep it that way." (Jem, p. 62)

When I was little I used to go outside and like any other kid I'd go looking for trouble everytime a felt bored. Well one day when this happened I decided I'd swing on the clothesline. I was having such a great time swinging round seeing how long I could hold on until I got so dizzy I fell off. Until I went to jump up onto the pole, but instead I caught the wire and snapped it. So by now all of my mothers clothes and pegs were strewn over our lawn and the clothes line was broken. I got scared and ran to my room. Afraid of what my parents might say, I finally admitted to them that it was me and I felt so ashamed and my parents were so disapointed in me that I had done something so silly.

Another dull afternoon in my back yard resulted in something quite similar. I was jumping up and down on my trampoline when me and my brother started hitting the rotten lemons from our tree at each other. In the end we started hitting them over the fence into the park next door, while jumping up and down on the trampoline seeing who could hit the farthest. Of course I won but in the end we both got caught and yelled at which made my cheeks burn with embarassment. I felt so ashamed and guilty when my parents mentioned someone could have been hurt, I suppose you don't really think of the consequences when your young do you?

Journal 3

"You never really understand a person until you .. climb into his skin and walk around in it" (Atticus pg 33)

I completely agree with what atticus says. You can't really judge a persons actions without asking your self Why?
what strove this person to act or behave the way they did.
Through comprehension comes understanding. We need to know all the contributing factors in the case too make a fair assumption. Its amazing how wrong you can judge people if you just look at their actions and not the intent behind them.
We tend to judge on appearances and first impressions which can lead to some messy situations. Its a mistake I've made a fair few times.
So its best just to keep an open mind and not pass judgment. Like from the bible "let ye who is with out sin cast the first stone."

I kinda strayed from the topic but its what came to mind.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

The Malevolent Phantoms of my Past

"The light clicks off, I scramble into my bed and burrow down into my covers, I pull them over my head leaving just a little gap for me to breath.

I pray,I hope that tonight she wont come but I know all to well as soon as the light clicks. I'm in her world now. I feel a cold chill run up the back of my spine, the hairs raised on the back of my neck as the sound of my fathers footsteps grow faint.

Something out side screams like a crazed banshee. Its her, she's come, tonights the night she's going to steal me away. While my family lays sleeping, safe from the reaches of her dagger like claws. The wind howls, I shiver. I can hear the slow scraping of her claws against my window.

I peek from under my covers only to see the huge shadow she casts over my bed I turn to look out the window. I see her sway with a huge gust of wind. I cringe at the sight of her evil creatures and their hulking shadows behind her.

Every night she comes scratching at my window, shrieking with the wind waiting, just waiting to feed me to her evil crew of monsters."

As I was growing up I always thought there was a an evil witch who wanted to eat me, she would scratch at my window every night. Because my bed lay underneath the window. The rose bush outside would sway with the wind and the thorns would scratch against my window. It made Horrible shadows that looked like a witch with pointy claws. As you can see this was quite terrifying to a child with a strange imagination.